Art of War: Legions – Formation Planning Tool


I’ve been playing a lot of Art of War: Legions. The game looks and plays great on my Samsung Tab S7 and my Samsung Note 9. Recently, I decided to make a formation planning tool, partly because I found toying around with formation building to be a bit frustrating on my phone and tablet, and because I wanted a small development pet-project.

I had a lot of fun developing the initial tool, and I’m looking forward to adding other formation types. However, I don’t have all of the proper graphics nor can I verify all of the troop and hero values, because the information is not easily accessible. Well, not that I know of anyway. Regardless, I am going to keep applying the information as I get it and improving the tool for as long as I find it helpful. I’m really enjoying the game and developing a tool for it, so this is a win-win for me!

Tool Introduction

The video above will walk you through the basic functionality of the tool, but if you don’t like watching videos, then feel free to read below and feast your eyes upon the horribleness of my lack of documentation skills.


  • Add troops to the formation grid by simply dragging them over and dropping them into your preferred location on the grid.
  • Add heroes by just clicking on them in the heroes tab. They will automatically be added or replaced.
  • Remove troops and heroes by holding Shift and clicking on them (Shift+Click).
  • Increase the level of a troop or hero by holding CTRL or Command and clicking on them (CTRL+Click or Command+Click).
  • Decrease the level of a troop or hero by holding ALT and clicking on them (ALT+Click).
  • Troops can be copied by dragging them into other empty cells. This is really helpful for when you have a bunch of troops of the same level in your formation.
  • If you want to replace a troop with a different one, you must delete it from the formation (Shift+Click). You cannot replace troops by dragging them on top of each-other.